Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents



Houston Texas Lawyer

What to Do If Your Motorcycle Is Hit by a Car from Behind

With the high ratio of cars to motorcycles on the roads today, crashes between the two are almost inevitable. While there are many accident causes, being hit from behind by a car while you’re on a motorcycle can take you by surprise and cause serious injuries and property damage. Knowing what to do next can make all the difference [...]

Date: October 7, 2022 / Motorcycle Accidents
Houston Texas Lawyer

Top 5 Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Every day in Texas, at least one motorcyclist is killed and many others are seriously injured in crashes. There are many reasons for these deadly motorcycle accidents. Sometimes riders themselves are to blame. But it’s often drivers of other vehicles who are responsible. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, another [...]

Date: August 25, 2022 / Motorcycle Accidents
Houston Texas Lawyer

When Is a Motorcyclist at Fault for an Accident?

Crashes between motorcycles and other vehicles happen for a variety of reasons. Often drivers of other vehicles are at fault, but sometimes negligent actions by motorcyclists can also be to blame. So, when is a motorcyclist at fault for an accident? Motorcyclists might be found to be at fault for accidents if they were drinking and d[...]

Date: April 18, 2022 / Motorcycle Accidents
Houston Texas Lawyer

What All Drivers Can Do to Improve Motorcycle Safety

Once again, the National Safety Council is telling us that May is National Motorcycle Safety Month.  Its primary goal is to encourage driver awareness that they share the road with motorcyclists and they should drive with their safety in mind. Bikers need all the help they can get: According to the National Highway Traffic Safet[...]

Date: May 16, 2018 / Accident Attorney / Motorcycle Accidents / Vehicle Wrecks

Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law

Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law There is no debate that helmets save lives, especially among motorcyclists. Bikers are generally comfortable with a certain level of risk, and there is a pervading belief among bikers that it’s a matter of when, not if, a rider will be thrown from their bike. There are numerous risks that motorcyc[...]

Date: November 2, 2016 / Motorcycle Accidents