Houston Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Attorneys

Babies born prematurely or with a low birth weight face an uphill battle when it comes to their health. However, from their first days of life, their well-being may be threatened by a surprising culprit: infant formula. A growing body of research suggests that preterm babies or babies with a low birth weight who are fed formula made from cow’s milk are much more likely to develop necrotizing enterocolitis (abbreviated as NEC), a potentially deadly condition involving the death of intestinal tissue. If your baby has suffered from NEC, you might have legal recourse — and Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law is here to help you find it.

Babies who survive necrotizing enterocolitis often suffer lasting damage. Many are diagnosed with short bowel syndrome and other major complications. These conditions require ongoing maintenance, and financial compensation can help ensure your child can access all the medical care they need.

Why Choose Us?

You and Your Child Deserve a Committed Advocate

If you’re planning on filing an NEC claim, you don’t want just any attorney to represent you. When your child’s long-term well-being is on the line, you need a personal injury lawyer who can craft a compelling case. Here are a few of the reasons to consider Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law:

  • We’ve been helping injured Texans achieve justice since 1985.
  • Founder Terry Bryant is board certified in personal injury trial law and is a former judge.
  • We have recovered more than $1 billion for our clients.
  • We regularly secure multimillion-dollar recoveries for our clients.
  • There’s no risk to you — you pay us only if we’re able to recover compensation for you.
  • Our clients love us, and our online reviews are 98% positive.

Our team is committed to helping injured people stand up to negligent businesses and individuals. We’re ready to put our experience to work for you!

What Is Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) and How Does It Happen?

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a serious illness that almost exclusively affects babies. While it can affect babies of any age, babies born prematurely are at much greater risk. Here’s a look at the frequency of NEC diagnoses:

  • NEC affects about one in 1,000 babies born prematurely.
  • NEC affects about one in 10,000 full-term babies.

The risk for NEC is especially high in smaller babies — and specifically those less than two pounds.

Doctors aren’t sure how NEC develops in babies. However, the fact that premature infants tend to have weaker immune systems and less blood flow to the intestines may contribute. In infected babies, intestinal tissue becomes inflamed. The inflammation may be relatively mild in some cases and heal without long-term consequences. In others, the inflammation is so serious that it causes parts of the intestine to die.

Consequently, many babies who develop NEC suffer from major complications. Scientists estimate that babies diagnosed with NEC have a mortality rate from 30% to 50%.

Recent research has connected baby formulas made with cow’s milk to the development of NEC, especially in babies born prematurely. Doctors don’t know exactly how cow’s milk triggers the development of NEC, but the correlation is strong enough that many healthcare professionals now recommend that babies be fed only formulas made from human breast milk.

However, many hospitals choose to continue giving infant formula fortified with cow’s milk. Some healthcare providers believe that NEC concerns are exaggerated, and many hospitals continue giving cow’s milk formula because it’s significantly less costly than formulas based on human breast milk.

If your baby was diagnosed with NEC, call Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law now at (713) 973-8888 or toll-free 1 (800) 444-5000 for your free and confidential consultation.

How Can NEC Affect Your Baby?

While NEC can be treated, it puts infants at risk for a number of short-term and long-term complications:

Peritonitis (Infection of Abdominal Cavity)

If intestinal tissue starts to die, the breakdown in the tissue allows intestinal bacteria to leak out into the abdominal cavity. That can lead to an infection called peritonitis. While peritonitis is treatable, it puts your baby at risk for developing sepsis, which can be fatal. The earlier you (or your baby’s healthcare provider) notice the signs of infection, the greater your baby’s chances of making a full recovery.

Short Bowel Syndrome

Sometimes, NEC affects the intestines so severely that the baby needs large portions of their intestine removed. If they end up needing a portion of the small intestine removed, they may be diagnosed with short bowel syndrome. Because the small intestine is responsible for the absorption of most water and nutrients, short bowel syndrome may make it impossible for your child to receive the nutrients they need without medical intervention. Unfortunately, because there is no way to regenerate the small intestine, children with short bowel syndrome often need medical care for the rest of their lives.

Intestinal Stricture

If your baby develops NEC and heals completely, they may later develop what’s called an intestinal stricture. This is a narrowing of a portion of the intestinal tract. A very slight stricture might not pose much of a problem, but a stricture that is significant enough may lead to an intestinal blockage. Some children may need surgery to open the stricture.

Growth and Developmental Delays

The long-term effects of NEC are not limited to the digestive system. Children who suffer from NEC as babies are more likely to suffer from developmental delays. The risk is especially high in babies whose NEC had to be treated with surgery. Doctors believe this has to do with the connection between the brain and the gut (often called the gut-brain axis). These are some of the main developmental delays that have been associated with NEC:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Delays in the development of motor skills
  • Various types of learning disabilities and other cognitive impairments
  • Problems with vision and hearing.

If your baby is diagnosed with NEC — and especially if they have to have part of their intestines removed — they may also suffer from delays in physical growth. These delays may be caused by a reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Who Is Liable When a Baby Develops NEC?

Most of the time, NEC lawsuits are filed against the manufacturer of the baby formula used. The exact argument your lawyer uses will vary depending on the circumstances of your case, but many lawsuits involve arguments like these:

  • The manufacturer is irresponsibly selling a defective product — it should be aware of the dangers it poses to infants.
  • The manufacturer failed to warn consumers that the product could increase the risk of NEC, especially in premature babies.

In some cases, your attorney may suggest filing a lawsuit against the healthcare provider who fed your baby the cow’s milk formula. If your legal team can prove that the healthcare provider knew (or should have known) about the dangers of cow’s milk formulas, they may be able to argue that the healthcare provider was negligent.


If your baby has been diagnosed with NEC, you probably have many questions. These are some of the questions our clients most commonly ask us:

What is necrotizing enterocolitis?

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a condition common in premature babies. It causes intestinal inflammation and death of intestinal tissue itself.

Who is responsible for NEC cases?

NEC can develop in different ways, but recent research has found that babies given formula fortified with cow’s milk are at much greater risk of an NEC diagnosis. You may be able to file a lawsuit against the formula manufacturers — and sometimes even the hospital that fed the formula to your baby.

How can NEC affect a baby?

Some cases of NEC lead to short bowel syndrome, bowel strictures, and growth and developmental delays. Others can lead to death. However, there are some babies who develop mild cases of NEC that can be treated with no long-lasting effects.

How much does it cost to work with a lawyer?

Thanks to our no-fee guarantee, you don’t have to pay us anything unless we recover compensation for you. When we take your case, you agree to pay us a certain percentage of the total compensation we recover.

We understand that you may have more questions during this incredibly difficult time. We invite you to reach out to our office with any other questions.

Has Your Baby Been Diagnosed With NEC?

Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law Is Here for You

No baby should have to contend with an illness as serious as NEC — especially in the first months of life. While some cases of NEC couldn’t have been prevented, many others are caused by baby formula made with cow’s milk. If your baby’s NEC happened after your child was fed this formula, the manufacturers of the formula should be held accountable. Even more importantly, a NEC lawsuit may be able to get you the compensation you need to seek the best care for your baby.

The right attorney can increase your chances of a successful NEC claim. Call Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law at (713) 973-8888 for a free case evaluation.

Attorney Terry Bryant

Attorney Terry BryantTerry Bryant is Board Certified in personal injury trial law, which means his extensive knowledge of the law has been recognized by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, setting him apart from many other injury attorneys. The 22 years he spent as a Municipal Judge, Spring Valley Village, TX also provides him keen insight into the Texas court system. That experience also helps shape his perspective on personal injury cases and how they might resolve. This unique insight benefits his clients. [ Attorney Bio ]